Fan Fan
University of Mississippi Medical Center, USA
Fan Fan is an Assistant Professor at University of Mississippi Medical Center, USA. Her research focuses on the genetic basis of the impaired myogenic response and auto-regulation of cerebral and renal blood flow and end organ damage in aging, hypertension and diabetes. She has published more than 30 papers. She currently serves as a Peer Reviewer for the American Heart and Alzheimer’s Associations, and is an Editorial Board Member and reviewer for several journals. Her work is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the American Heart Association (AHA) to study roles of Add3 (NIH/NIA, NIH/NIDDK), CYP4A1 and 20-HETE (NIH/NIGMS, AHA) on aging and hypertension-related renal and cerebral vascular and dementia.
Abstract : Auto-regulation of cerebral blood flow and elder diabetes-related Alzheimer’s disease