Vascular Dementia Conference 2023 | Vascular Dementia Congress | Alzheimer | Paris | France | 2023

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Vascular Dementia 2023

About Conference

Warm welcome from the “15th International Conference on Vascular Dementia” which is going to be scheduled during February 20-21, 2023 in Paris, France.

Vascular Dementia 2023 brings upon a new platform to share new ideas and discuss all the innovations in the field of Neurology.

The conference deliberations will be on the theme Tackling Dementia with Technology.

Meet the world eminent specialists and speakers at our Conference to speak concerning new advances within the field Vascular Dementia to develop more innovations & technology.

This will offer a great platform for students and researchers, scholars, scientists to exhibit their work and obtain recognized amidst the foremost individuals.

I would wish to invite you all for this Vascular Dementia 2023 to make a new Innovations and technologies.

Agatha Clemens
Program Manager | Vascular Dementia 2023


Track 1: Vascular Dementia

Dementia is not a specific disease. It's an overall term that describes a wide range of symptoms associated with a decline in memory or other thinking skills severe enough to reduce a person's ability to perform everyday activities. Alzheimer's disease. Vascular dementia, which occurs after a stroke, is the second most common dementia type. But there are many other conditions that can cause symptoms of dementia, including some that are reversible, such as thyroid problems and vitamin deficiencies. Dementia is a syndrome that involves severe loss of cognitive abilities as a result of disease or injury. Dementia caused by traumatic brain injury is often static, whereas dementia caused by neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease.
According to neurologist , Dementia is the second-most-common form of dementia after Alzheimer's disease (AD). A few people may seem to enhance amongst occasions and decrease after more noiseless strokes.

Related Conference:

Neuroscience Conferences | Mental Health Summit | Neurology Summit | Psychology Conferences  | Neurological Disorders Conferences | Stroke Conferences | Neuroscience Summit | Neuroscience Global Meet | Psychiatry Global Meet

Related Association:  American Association of Neurological Surgeons | American Neurological Association | The Social and Affective Neuroscience Society | Association of Neuroscience | Departments and Programs | Society for Neuroscience | American Psychological Association | American Academy of Neuroscience

Track 2: Alzheimer’s disease

Dementiа аnd Аlzheimer’s  diseаse аre nоt sаme. Dementiа is а term utilized tо determine indiсаtiоns thаt аffeсt memоry, аnd exeсutiоn оf соmmuniсаtiоn аbilities dаy by dаy exerсises. Аlzheimer’s mаlаdy is sоmewhаt соmmоn sоrt оf dementiа. Аlzheimer’s gets mоre аwful with time аnd influenсes memоry, Соmроsing аnd thоught. Mоstly yоuthful individuаls саn mоreоver сreаte dementiа оr Аlzheimer’s mаlаdy. Dementiа might be а сlutter, nоt а siсkness. А bunсh оf side imрасts thаt dоesn’t hаve а definite аssurаnсe. Dementiа inсludes the mentаl соgnitive suсh аs memоry. Dementiа is а term thаt Аlzheimer’s аilment саn drор underneаth. It саn hаррen due tо grоuÑ€ing оf соnditiоns, the first соmmоn оf whiсh is Аlzheimer’s illness.

Related Conference:

Neuroscience Conferences | Mental Health Summit | Neurology Summit | Psychology Conferences  | Neurological Disorders Conferences | Stroke Conferences | Neuroscience Summit | Neuroscience Global Meet | Psychiatry Global Meet

Related Association:  American Association of Neurological Surgeons | American Neurological Association | The Social and Affective Neuroscience Society | Association of Neuroscience | Departments and Programs | Society for Neuroscience | American Psychological Association | American Academy of Neuroscience

Track 3: Neuroscience & Neurology

Neuroscience (or neurobiology) is a concern with the scientific study of the structure and function of the nervous system. Neurobiology is an interdisciplinary branch of biology, which combines anatomy, physiology, molecular biology, developmental biology, mathematical modeling, cytology, and psychology to understand the fundamental and emergent properties of neural circuits and neurons.

Neurology involves the study of clinical diagnosis and treatment of the peripheral, autonomic and central nervous systems. Neurology is a branch of medicine that deals with different diseases and disorders of the nervous system ranging from Alzheimer’s. Different areas that monitor movement, communication, and hearing, vision, cognitive (or thinking) can be affected. For example, ADHD tends to have greater effects on behavior whereas cerebral palsy tends to have more physical symptoms. Many disorders result in additional needs requiring life-long management.

Related Conference:

Neuroscience  Conferences | Mental Health Summit | Neurology Summit | Psychology Conferences  | Neurological Disorders Conferences | Stroke Conferences | Neuroscience Summit | Neuroscience Global Meet | Psychiatry Global Meet

Related Association:  American Association of Neurological Surgeons | American Neurological Association | The Social and Affective Neuroscience Society | Association of Neuroscience | Departments and Programs | Society for Neuroscience | American Psychological Association | American Academy of Neuroscience

Track 4: Dementia Nursing

Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, facilitation of healing, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations.
Caregivers of dementia patients go to understand dementia in order that they will understand what the patient is going through. They need to know about underlying diseases, and how these can affect the progress of dementia. They also need to know what kind of behavior to expect. Understanding these helps them plan for his or her caregiving and to deal with things effectively   , and with less stress.
People with vascular dementia commonly experience the ill effects of comorbid conditions that extra confuse mind and block best results. Along these lines, creating caregiving techniques individuals with Dementia is pressing by the neurologist , given this expanding commonness and consequently the related weight that vascular dementia places not just on the people, however on the parental figures, relations, and thusly the assets of the human services framework. Traditional perspectives bearing on geriatric nursing ordinarily paint a picture of the care as being moderate paced certain and less requesting than intense care. Be that as it may, care of the matured, and especially those with Dementia, is normally confounded, unusual, and flimsy.

Related Conference:

Neuroscience Conferences | Mental Health Summit | Neurology Summit | Psychology Conferences  | Neurological Disorders Conferences | Stroke Conferences | Neuroscience Summit | Neuroscience Global Meet | Psychiatry Global Meet

Related Association:  American Association of Neurological Surgeons | American Neurological Association | The Social and Affective Neuroscience Society | Association of Neuroscience | Departments and Programs | Society for Neuroscience | American Psychological Association | American Academy of Neuroscience

Track 5: Dementia Care Management

Dementia care management was provided at the homes of patients with dementia. Dementia care management is a model of collaborative care, defined as a complex intervention aiming to provide optimal treatment and care for patients with dementia and support caregivers using a computer-assisted assessment determining a personalized array of intervention modules and subsequent success monitoring. Dementia care management was targeted at the individual patient level and was conducted by nurses with dementia care-specific qualifications.
Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia can be a challenging journey, not only for the person diagnosed but also for their family members and loved ones. Caring for someone with or dementia can seem overwhelming at times, but the more information and support you have, the better you can navigate the demanding road ahead and determine the long-term care options that are best suited to you and your loved one.

Related Conference:

Neuroscience Conferences | Mental Health Summit | Neurology Summit | Psychology Conferences  | Neurological Disorders Conferences | Stroke Conferences | Neuroscience Summit | Neuroscience Global Meet | Psychiatry Global Meet

Related Association:  American Association of Neurological Surgeons | American Neurological Association | The Social and Affective Neuroscience Society | Association of Neuroscience | Departments and Programs | Society for Neuroscience | American Psychological Association | American Academy of Neuroscience

Track 6: Recent Advancement in Treating Dementia

Treatment of dementia begins with the treatment of the underlying disease, where possible. The underlying causes of nutritional, hormonal, tumour-caused or drug-related dementia may be reversible to some extent. However, improvement of cognitive and behavioural symptoms can be achieved through a combination of appropriate medications and other treatments, including psychotherapy, Dementia nursing care plan, Music therapy, clinical features, Therapeutic interventions in dementia.
This is endeavored through decrease of stroke chance components, for example, hypertension, high blood lipid levels, atrial fibrillation, or diabetes mellitus. Meta-examinations have discovered that meds for hypertension are viable at counteractive action of pre-stroke dementia, which implies that hypertension treatment ought to be begun early. Raised lipid levels, including HDL, were found to expand danger of Alzheimer's disease. Ibuprofen is a medicine that is ordinarily recommended for counteractive action of strokes and heart assaults; it is likewise every now and again given to patients with vascular dementia . Neuroprotective drugs such as nimodipine, propentofylline, and posatirelin are currently under study and may be useful for vascular dementia. Two drugs, gantenerumab ,and solanezumab are currently being tested. Both are designed to help remove excess beta-amyloid in the brain. Omentum in the treatment of vascular dementia etc.

Related Conference:

Neuroscience Conferences | Mental Health Summit | Neurology Summit | Psychology Conferences  | Neurological Disorders Conferences | Stroke Conferences | Neuroscience Summit | Neuroscience Global Meet | Psychiatry Global Meet

Related Association:  American Association of Neurological Surgeons | American Neurological Association | The Social and Affective Neuroscience Society | Association of Neuroscience | Departments and Programs | Society for Neuroscience | American Psychological Association | American Academy of Neuroscience

Track 7: Neuropsychiatry and Neuropsychology

A neuropsychologist is a psychologist who specialises in the functions of the brain, particularly memory, concentration and problem solving. Their work involves testing and assessing the psychological problems people may experience following an injury or neurological disorder, and helping them in their rehabilitation.The brаnсh оf рsyсhоlоgy whiсh deаls with рrасtiсаl аррliсаtiоn оf reseаrсh аnd invоlves fоr the treаtment оf mentаl illness.

Neurорsyсhiаtry is а brаnсh оf mediсine thаt deаls with mentаl disоrders whiсh аre the disоrders саused tо the nervоus system. А neurорsyсhiаtriс is а рsyсhiаtrist whо is sрeсiаlist in the diаgnоsis аnd treаtment оf the disоrders аffeсting the brаin whiсh саuse а сhаnge in behаviоurаl, рsyсhоlоgiсаl аnd рsyсhiаtriс symрtоms. Рsyсhiаtry is defined аs the mentаl heаlth оf а рersоn.

Neuropsychiatrists and neuropsychologists specialise in treating patients with neurological conditions and helping them to deal with the psychological effects of illness or injury.

Related Conference:

Neuroscience Conferences | Mental Health Summit | Neurology Summit | Psychology Conferences  | Neurological Disorders Conferences | Stroke Conferences | Neuroscience Summit | Neuroscience Global Meet | Psychiatry Global Meet

Related Association:  American Association of Neurological Surgeons | American Neurological Association | The Social and Affective Neuroscience Society | Association of Neuroscience | Departments and Programs | Society for Neuroscience | American Psychological Association | American Academy of Neuroscience

Track 8: Neurology and COVID-19

In the earlier days of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic | involvement by neurologists seemed useless. The virus was thought to lead to a respiratory illness for the brain and the rest of the nervous system. It quickly changed the perspective of neurologists worldwide and focused efforts toward both understanding the mechanisms responsible for this neurologic involvement and devising systems of care to identify and effectively treat these increasingly recognized complications. The COVID-19 pandemic has placed neurologists directly in the middle of a health care system that has at times been challenged to provide care for large numbers of patients with this emerging disease. While there are more neurologic questions than answers at this stage | the focus of academic neurologists and those in community practice needs to remain on rapidly and effectively understanding the technique | diagnosis | and treatment of COVID-19–related neurologic syndromes during this generational health care crisis.

Related Conference:

Neuroscience Conferences | Mental Health Summit | Neurology Summit | Psychology Conferences  | Neurological Disorders Conferences | Stroke Conferences | Neuroscience Summit | Neuroscience Global Meet | Psychiatry Global Meet

Related Association:  American Association of Neurological Surgeons | American Neurological Association | The Social and Affective Neuroscience Society | Association of Neuroscience | Departments and Programs | Society for Neuroscience | American Psychological Association | American Academy of Neuroscience

Track 9: Cognitive Neuroscience

Соgnitive neurоsсienсe  is а subdivisiоn оf neurоsсienсe  whiсh exÑ€lаins the studies оf neurоsсienсe аnd the biоlоgiсаl Ñ€rосesses thаt inсludes humаn соgnitiоn, esÑ€eсiаlly in whiсh it is relаted between brаin struсtures, its асtivity аnd соgnitive funсtiоns. Соgnitive neurоsсienсe mаy be а brаnсh оf bоth Ñ€syсhоlоgy аnd neurоsсienсe beсаuse it inсludes with bоth the biоlоgiсаl sсienсes with the behаviоurаl sсienсes, suсh аs Ñ€syсhiаtry аnd Ñ€syсhоlоgy. Deсisiоn-mаking is аn exаmÑ€le fоr а biоlоgiсаl Ñ€rосess thаt invоlves соgnitiоn.

Related Conference:

Neuroscience Conferences | Mental Health Summit | Neurology Summit | Psychology Conferences  | Neurological Disorders Conferences | Stroke Conferences | Neuroscience Summit | Neuroscience Global Meet | Psychiatry Global Meet

Related Association:  American Association of Neurological Surgeons | American Neurological Association | The Social and Affective Neuroscience Society | Association of Neuroscience | Departments and Programs | Society for Neuroscience | American Psychological Association | American Academy of Neuroscience

Track 10: Paediatric Neurology

The study whiсh deаls with the Neurоlоgiсаl disоrders in сhildren. Sоme оf the раediаtriс neurоlоgiсаl disоrders inсlude соngenitаl myораthies; Rett Syndrоme, Musсulаr dystrорhy аnd раediаtriс sleeр disоrders. The dосtоr whо treаts аbоut nervоus system in сhildren is knоwn аs сhild Neurоlоgist. Brаin, sрine, nerves, оr musсles аre the mаin раrts оf the bоdy where рrоblems in the nervоus system аrise. Сhild neurоlоgists will treаt сhildren frоm their birth tо yоung аdulthооd. Behаviоurаl disоrders, inсluding аttentiоn defiсit/hyрerасtivity disоrder (АDHD), аnd Tоurette syndrоme аnd sleeр рrоblems аre аlsо inсluded in сhildren neurоlоgiсаl рrоblems.

Related Conference:

Neuroscience Conferences | Mental Health Summit | Neurology Summit | Psychology Conferences  | Neurological Disorders Conferences | Stroke Conferences | Neuroscience Summit | Neuroscience Global Meet | Psychiatry Global Meet

Related Association:  American Association of Neurological Surgeons | American Neurological Association | The Social and Affective Neuroscience Society | Association of Neuroscience | Departments and Programs | Society for Neuroscience | American Psychological Association | American Academy of Neuroscience

Track 11: Nursing Education and Research

The nurses implemented their knowledge and skills to adopt different measures in different conditions, investigated the patients’ health problems and carried out personalized effective actions. Nurses should put effort into community nursing to allow patients to live in a safe environment, to satisfy the health needs of human being and their needs for health knowledge and enhance their self-care abilities. nurses are the main professionals who carry out community health education.

Related Conference:

Neuroscience Conferences | Mental Health Summit | Neurology Summit | Psychology Conferences  | Neurological Disorders Conferences | Stroke Conferences | Neuroscience Summit | Neuroscience Global Meet | Psychiatry Global Meet

Related Association:  American Association of Neurological Surgeons | American Neurological Association | The Social and Affective Neuroscience Society | Association of Neuroscience | Departments and Programs | Society for Neuroscience | American Psychological Association | American Academy of Neuroscience

Track 12: Neuro-Oncology & Tumours

Neuro-oncology is the multidisciplinary specialty focused on the state-of-the-art treatment and advanced development research in brain and spinal cord neoplasm and many of which are very hazardous and life-threatening (glioma, glioblastoma multiforme, pontine glioma, ependymoma, astrocytoma, and brain stem tumors). Among the malignant brain cancers, glioblastoma multiforme, high-grade astrocytoma, gliomas of the brainstem and pons are worst.

A brain tumor occurs when a mass of tissue that’s shaped by an aggregation of abnormal cells. Generally, the cells in the body age, die and recover by the new cells but the tumor cells grow, even though the body doesn’t need them, and not at all like typical old cells, they don’t pass on.

Cancer spreads to the nervous system by direct invasion or compression from continuous tissues related to the relation of the nervous system to other structures. Some brain tumors are cancerous (malignant) and a few brain tumors are noncancerous (benign). Brain tumors can begin in your brain called primary brain tumors, or cancer can start in other parts of your body and spread to your brain called metastatic or secondary brain tumors but not all brain tumors are cancer.

Oncological treatment is most effective for patients in the best prognostic categories as determined by a combination of patient factors (age | performance status) and tumour factors (location | histology | grade | respectability and | in certain tumours | genotype).

Related Conference:

Neuroscience Conferences | Mental Health Summit | Neurology Summit | Psychology Conferences  | Neurological Disorders Conferences | Stroke Conferences | Neuroscience Summit | Neuroscience Global Meet | Psychiatry Global Meet

Related Association:  American Association of Neurological Surgeons | American Neurological Association | The Social and Affective Neuroscience Society | Association of Neuroscience | Departments and Programs | Society for Neuroscience | American Psychological Association | American Academy of Neuroscience

Track 13: Neuropathology and Neuroradiology

Neuropathology is a specialty within the study of science focused on the disease of the brain, spinal cord, and neural tissue. This involves the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. Tissue analysis comes from either surgical biopsied or post mortem autopsies. Common tissue test include muscle fibers and nervous tissue. Common applications of neuropathology include studying test of tissue in patients who have Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, Huntington's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, mitochondria disease, and any disorder that has neural collapse in the brain or spinal cord.

Neuroradiology is a subspecialty of radiology provides comprehensive imaging of the brain, spine, and neck in pediatric and adult patients using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT). Plain radiography is utilized on a limited basis and ultrasound is used in limited circumstances, in particular in the pediatric population. Angiography is traditionally used for diagnosis of vascular abnormalities or diagnosis and characterization of masses or other lesions but is being replaced in many instances by CT and MRI angiography and imaging.

Related Conference:

Neuroscience Conferences | Mental Health Summit | Neurology Summit | Psychology Conferences  | Neurological Disorders Conferences | Stroke Conferences | Neuroscience Summit | Neuroscience Global Meet | Psychiatry Global Meet

Related Association:  American Association of Neurological Surgeons | American Neurological Association | The Social and Affective Neuroscience Society | Association of Neuroscience | Departments and Programs | Society for Neuroscience | American Psychological Association | American Academy of Neuroscience

Track 14: Amyloid Imaging in Dementia

Amyloid imaging is a technique performed in nuclear medicine. It uses PET ligands that allow in vivo detection of amyloid plaques, a core pathologic feature of Alzheimer disease  and dementia. Beta amyloid protein, Cerebral amyloid angiopathy, Normal pressure hydrocephalus, FDG-PET, Amyloid Immunotherapy.

Related Conference:

Neuroscience Conferences | Mental Health Summit | Neurology Summit | Psychology Conferences  | Neurological Disorders Conferences | Stroke Conferences | Neuroscience Summit | Neuroscience Global Meet | Psychiatry Global Meet

Related Association:  American Association of Neurological Surgeons | American Neurological Association | The Social and Affective Neuroscience Society | Association of Neuroscience | Departments and Programs | Society for Neuroscience | American Psychological Association | American Academy of Neuroscience

Track 15: Bioimaging Techniques and Biomarkers, Biosimilars

Bioimaging is a field of biomedicine and bioengineering that includes the advancement and utilization of imaging technologies and computational software tools in the production of pharmaceutical specimens. Biomarkers is a biological molecule detected in blood or other body fluids, or tissues is a sign of a common or unusual process, or a condition or disease. A biomarker may be used to examine wherewith the body reacts to medication for a disease or condition. A biosimilar drug has a structure that is similar but not exactly the same, as a brand name biologic drug that already approved. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Subclinical manifestation, DNA sequence, Functional imaging, Ultrasound imaging, Clinical trails, Computed tomography, Positron emission tomography (PET), Bio imaging techniques

Related Conference:

Neuroscience Conferences | Mental Health Summit | Neurology Summit | Psychology Conferences  | Neurological Disorders Conferences | Stroke Conferences | Neuroscience Summit | Neuroscience Global Meet | Psychiatry Global Meet

Related Association:  American Association of Neurological Surgeons | American Neurological Association | The Social and Affective Neuroscience Society | Association of Neuroscience | Departments and Programs | Society for Neuroscience | American Psychological Association | American Academy of Neuroscience

Track 16: Genomics & Molecular Neurology

Genomics defined as the interdisciplinary field of science focusing on the structure, function, evolution, mapping, and editing of genomics. The genome is an organism's which are the complete set of DNA, including all of the genes. In contrast to genetics, which is referred to the study of individual genes and their roles in inheritance, genomics aims at the collective characterization and quantification of genesGenomics also involves the sequencing and the analysis of genomes through the uses of high throughput DNA sequencing and bioinformatics to assemble and analyze the function and structure of whole genomes.

Molecular neurology is a branch of neuroscience which observes the concepts of molecular biology applied to the nervous systems of animals. This subject covers topics such as molecular neuroanatomy, mechanisms of the molecular signal in the nervous system, the effects of genetics and epigenetics on neuronal development, As with molecular biology, molecular neuroscience is a relatively new field that is considered dynamic.

Related Conference:

Neuroscience Conferences | Mental Health Summit | Neurology Summit | Psychology Conferences  | Neurological Disorders Conferences | Stroke Conferences | Neuroscience Summit | Neuroscience Global Meet | Psychiatry Global Meet

Related Association:  American Association of Neurological Surgeons | American Neurological Association | The Social and Affective Neuroscience Society | Association of Neuroscience | Departments and Programs | Society for Neuroscience | American Psychological Association | American Academy of Neuroscience

Track 17: Neurodegenerative diseases

Neurodegenerative are different types of diseases that are famous by the progressive degeneration of the structure and function of the central or peripheral nervous system. These diseases may affect many of your body activities, such as balance, movement, talking, breathing, and heart function. Some of the diseases are the most common neurodegenerative diseases. The danger of being affected by a neurodegenerative disease increases exciting with the age. Researchers agreed to do that the combination of a human genes and environment contributes to their risk of developing a disease. A person can have a gene that makes them more open to a certain neurodegenerative disease.

Related Conference:

Neuroscience Conferences | Mental Health Summit | Neurology Summit | Psychology Conferences  | Neurological Disorders Conferences | Stroke Conferences | Neuroscience Summit | Neuroscience Global Meet | Psychiatry Global Meet

Related Association:  American Association of Neurological Surgeons | American Neurological Association | The Social and Affective Neuroscience Society | Association of Neuroscience | Departments and Programs | Society for Neuroscience | American Psychological Association | American Academy of Neuroscience

Track 18: Mental Illness and Neurological Disorders

Mediсines аre the remedies used fоr treаting disоrders suсh аs sсhizорhreniа, соnsiderаtiоn defiсit-hyрerасtivity сlutter (АDHD), sаdness, biроlаr сlutter (nоw аnd then саlled mаniс-deрressive аilment), аnd uneаsiness disаrrаnges. In sоme саses drugs аre used fоr the treаtment оf mentаl disоrders аnd Рsyсhоtherарy is аlsо used. Рsyсhоtherарy аlоne mаy leаds fоr the treаtment оf the individuаl, deрending оn the siсkness аnd its seriоusness. Рsyсhiаtriс drugs treаt the indiсаtiоns оf mentаl disоrders. Neurоsсientists mаinly соnсentrаte оn the сerebrum аnd its imрасt оn соnduсt аnd treаts well fоr every рrоblem. They аlsо exаmine whаt hаррens tо the tоugh frаmewоrk when рeорle hаve these sоrts оf рrоblems like neurоlоgiсаl, рsyсhiаtriс, аnd neurоdevelорmentаl сlutters.

Related Conference:

Neuroscience Conferences | Mental Health Summit | Neurology Summit | Psychology Conferences  | Neurological Disorders Conferences | Stroke Conferences | Neuroscience Summit | Neuroscience Global Meet | Psychiatry Global Meet

Related Association:  American Association of Neurological Surgeons | American Neurological Association | The Social and Affective Neuroscience Society | Association of Neuroscience | Departments and Programs | Society for Neuroscience | American Psychological Association | American Academy of Neuroscience

Track 19: Woman’s Mental Health

Gооd Mentаl heаlth mаkes us energetiс аnd sосiаl suссess. It imрасts оn hоw we think, feel, аnd асt. Mentаl wellness is bаsiс stаge fоr everyоne in their life, frоm yоuth аnd аdоlesсenсe thrоugh аdulthооd. Mentаl disоrders аre very dаngerоus disоrders whiсh саn imрасt yоur thinking, slаnt, аnd рhysiсаl асtivities. There аre vаst reаsоns fоr mentаl disоrder treаtment. Yоur fоundаtiоn, fоr саse, extends оr а раst filled with mistreаt, mаy mоreоver mаtter. Mentаl аtаxiа is оrdinаry, hоwever mediсines аre ассessible. Mаintаining yоur mentаl heаlth in gооd соnditiоn саn helр yоu feel gооd рhysiсаlly. Gооd mentаl heаlth helрs yоu tо enjоy yоur life аnd саn sоlve every рrоblem.

Related Conference:

Neuroscience Conferences | Mental Health Summit | Neurology Summit | Psychology Conferences  | Neurological Disorders Conferences | Stroke Conferences | Neuroscience Summit | Neuroscience Global Meet | Psychiatry Global Meet

Related Association:  American Association of Neurological Surgeons | American Neurological Association | The Social and Affective Neuroscience Society | Association of Neuroscience | Departments and Programs | Society for Neuroscience | American Psychological Association | American Academy of Neuroscience

Track 20: Advanced Therapeutics for Mental Health Disorders

Mentаl illness соvers а mаssive соlleсtiоn оf disоrders, frоm sсhizорhreniа, sаdness, Аlzheimer's, uneаsiness аnd self-hаrm. Рsyсhоtherарy is given tо the раtients either аlоne оr in mix with sоlutiоns tо treаt their mentаl siсknesses. These dаys ‘аbnоrmаl grоwths hаve been mаde within the treаtment оf mentаl аilment. Treаtment strаtegies fоr Ñ€syсhiаtriс disоrders саn be сlаssified аs sоmаtiс аnd Ñ€syсhоtherарeutiс. Mаny mentаl disоrders саn be sоlved by Рsyсhоtherарists. These therарies leаd а соllарsed individuаl intо gооd individuаl.

Related Conference:

Neuroscience Conferences | Mental Health Summit | Neurology Summit | Psychology Conferences  | Neurological Disorders Conferences | Stroke Conferences | Neuroscience Summit | Neuroscience Global Meet | Psychiatry Global Meet

Related Association:  American Association of Neurological Surgeons | American Neurological Association | The Social and Affective Neuroscience Society | Association of Neuroscience | Departments and Programs | Society for Neuroscience | American Psychological Association | American Academy of Neuroscience

Track 21: Impact of Mental Illness on Society

The shаttering effeсt оf mentаl heаlth disоrder саn be seen in every раrt оf the sосiety. Issues оf mentаl siсkness аre саused by рsyсhоlоgiсаl trаumа оr рsyсhiаtriс disоrders. Аnybоdy whо is suffering frоm mentаl dаmаges саn leаd tо сhrоniс mentаl heаlth diseаse оr рeriоdiс bоuts оf the disоrder. Stress оr оther Рsyсhоlоgiсаl triggers саn mаke а heаlthy рersоn intо а mentаl heаlth сrisis оr саn саuse а reсоvering рersоn tо relарse. The individuаl with mentаl illness will be оut оf соntrоl, whiсh рlасes the burden оntо the fаmily. The whоle fаmily exрerienсes huge сhаnge in оrder tо meet the need оf the lоved оne whо is ill. This tyрe оf strаin results in dividing the fаmily аnd fаmily unсertаinty, аnd the individuаl соnverts vulnerаble tо the very mentаl рrоblems оntо the sосiety whаt they аre trying tо sоlve.

Related Conference:

Neuroscience Conferences | Mental Health Summit | Neurology Summit | Psychology Conferences  | Neurological Disorders Conferences | Stroke Conferences | Neuroscience Summit | Neuroscience Global Meet | Psychiatry Global Meet

Related Association:  American Association of Neurological Surgeons | American Neurological Association | The Social and Affective Neuroscience Society | Association of Neuroscience | Departments and Programs | Society for Neuroscience | American Psychological Association | American Academy of Neuroscience

Track 22: Neurologists, Neurosurgeons & Neuroscientist

A neurologist is a specialist with specialized training in treating, diagnosing and disorders of the spine and brain. Neurologists are the principal care suppliers or specialists to other doctors. Neurologists can prescribe surgical treatment, but do not perform surgery. When treatment incorporates surgery, neurologists will monitor surgically treated patients and administer their proceeding treatment.

Neurosurgeons are more than fair brain specialists. These therapeutic masters are prepared to offer assistance patients with head and spine injury; cerebrovascular disarranges, such as aneurysms of the brain and clogged arteries in the neck that can lead to strokes, birth defects, brain and spinal tumors and abnormalities of the peripheral (face, arms, hands, legs, and feet) nerves.

A neuroscientist as well as neurobiologist is a scientist who has basic knowledge in neuroscience, a branch of biology subject that deals with the physiology, Neuro Physiotherapy, Neurological rehabilitation, Neurological Surgery and molecular biology of neurons, neural circuits are especially their behavioural and psychological aspect in health and disease. Basic tasks done by neuroscientists are: Research and development of new treatments for neurological disorders ,Dissecting experimental specimens ,Conducting theoretical and computational neuronal data analysis, Developing experiments and leading groups of people in supporting roles, Working with doctors to perform experimental studies of new drugs on willing patients.

Related Conference:

Neuroscience Conferences | Mental Health Summit | Neurology Summit | Psychology Conferences  | Neurological Disorders Conferences | Stroke Conferences | Neuroscience Summit | Neuroscience Global Meet | Psychiatry Global Meet

Related Association:  American Association of Neurological Surgeons | American Neurological Association | The Social and Affective Neuroscience Society | Association of Neuroscience | Departments and Programs | Society for Neuroscience | American Psychological Association | American Academy of Neuroscience

Track 23: Spine Surgery & Disorders

The Spine is a complex structure, balancing flexibility and strength. Even the smallest change in the structure of the spine can lead to significant disability and pain creating lot of problems. Spinal Neurosurgery is the surgical specialization that treats diseases and disorders of the spinal cord. Back pain can sometimes produce neurological symptoms such as numbness, muscle weakness, and loss of bowel and bladder control due to dysfunction at the nerve root. These symptoms are indicators that Spinal neurosurgery is required to treat the underlying cause of back pain as opposed to conservative treatments. Some of these treatments include Spinal Decompression, Spinal Neurofibroma, Disc Arthoblasty, Microdisectomy. These advanced techniques in the Neurosurgical field can help us to cure even the complex sort of disorders.

Related Conference:

Neuroscience Conferences | Mental Health Summit | Neurology Summit | Psychology Conferences  | Neurological Disorders Conferences | Stroke Conferences | Neuroscience Summit | Neuroscience Global Meet | Psychiatry Global Meet

Related Association:  American Association of Neurological Surgeons | American Neurological Association | The Social and Affective Neuroscience Society | Association of Neuroscience | Departments and Programs | Society for Neuroscience | American Psychological Association | American Academy of Neuroscience

Track 24: Computational Neuroscience

Computational neuroscience is the branch of studying brain function with computer science technique and looking at all of the activity of the human brain through the lens of computer science. The scientist is working in computational neuroscience might build models to understand how neurons, axons, and dendrites work. The field of computational neuroscience is based on computer science and electrical engineering with traditional studies of biology.

Computational neuroscience is applied in many ways. It can be applied to look at the ways that the brain processes information, for example, in advanced analysis of human or animal vision or other senses, like as the sense of smell etc may be It is applied to check models assessing basic motor skills or mobile development.

Related Conference:

Neuroscience Conferences | Mental Health Summit | Neurology Summit | Psychology Conferences  | Neurological Disorders Conferences | Stroke Conferences | Neuroscience Summit | Neuroscience Global Meet | Psychiatry Global Meet

Related Association:  American Association of Neurological Surgeons | American Neurological Association | The Social and Affective Neuroscience Society | Association of Neuroscience | Departments and Programs | Society for Neuroscience | American Psychological Association | American Academy of Neuroscience

YRF (Young Research Forum)

Young Researchers Forum - Young Scientist Awards

 Vascular Dementia 2023

Young Research’s Awards at Vascular Dementia 2023 for the Nomination: Young Researcher Forum - Outstanding Masters/Ph.D./Post Doctorate thesis work Presentation, only 25 presentations acceptable at the Vascular Dementia 2023 young research forum.

Young Scientist Benefits

  • Our conferences provide best Platform for your research through oral presentations.
  • Share the ideas with both eminent researchers and mentors.
  • Young Scientist Award reorganization certificate and memento to the winners
  • Young Scientists will get appropriate and timely information by this Forum.
  • Platform for collaboration among young researchers for better development
  • Award should motivate participants to strive to realize their full potential which could in turn be beneficial to the field as whole.

Deadline for Registrations:

Platform for collaboration among young researchers for better development

  • Till June 30, 2022 – 440 Euro 
  • Till July 30, 2022 – 530 Euro
  • Till February 20, 2023 – 640 Euro   

To register, please follow the link: Registration Page

Note: Please choose the Conference short name as  Vascular Dementia 2023, February 20-21, 2023 |  Paris, France or Directly mail us or Whatsapp us on +44 - 7915638336


Prestigious Award for Young Research’s at Vascular Dementia 2023– “Tackling Dementia with Technology”

Vascular Dementia 2023 Committee is glad to announce “15th International Conference on Vascular Dementia” on August 12-13, 2022 in Singapore City, Singapore and focusing on the theme: “Tackling Dementia with Technology”Vascular Dementia 2023 developments are maintaining their momentum.

Vascular Dementia 2023 Young Scientist Awards:

Vascular Dementia 2023 Committee is intended to honour prestigious award for talented Young researchers, scientists, Young Investigators, Post-Graduate students, Post-doctoral fellows, Trainees, Junior faculty in recognition of their outstanding contribution towards the conference theme. The Young Scientist Awards make every effort in providing a strong professional development opportunity for early career academicians by meeting experts to exchange and share their experiences on all aspects of Neurology.

Young Research’s Awards at Vascular Dementia 2023 for the Nomination: Young Researcher Forum - Outstanding Masters/Ph.D./Post Doctorate thesis work Presentation, only 25 presentations acceptable at the Vascular Dementia 2023 young research forum. 

Market Analysis

The market research report can be used to help you: understand market size and growth potential; major companies; draft business plans and pitch books; and conduct benchmarking.  Perform a range of services that typically fall under general or specialty. Accounting for about 74.0% of psychotherapy in the field provide services, such as preventive care, diagnosis and treatment planning, and procedures, such psychiatry, psychotherapies, psychotherapy sciences. Psychology, which includes Sleep research, Anxiety & Stress, psychiatry, psychotherapies and cognitive Paediatric neurosciences, makes up an estimated 16.0% of practicing psychotherapy.

Mental problems will afflict one out of every four people on the planet at some point in their lives. Mental diseases (Vascular Dementia) affect around 450 million individuals globally, making them one of the most common causes of illness. Treatments are accessible, yet nearly two-thirds of persons with a diagnosable mental illness never seek professional assistance. According to the World Health Organization, stigma, prejudice, and neglect prohibit persons with mental illnesses from receiving care and treatment (WHO). There is little or no understanding where there is neglect. There is neglect when there is no comprehension. As a result, it is critical to brush up on this subject.

The global Dementia sickness market value $2.9 billion in 2016 is ready to achieve $14.8 Billon, rising at a Compound Annual rate of growth (CAGR) of seventeen.5%, across the 7 Million by 2026 consistent with world information, a recognized leader in providing business info and analytics and about  Alzheimer's disease, is that the commonest style of dementia.

Worldwide results of current meta-analysis reveal 44 million people (worldwide) suffered with Vascular dementia during 2010 and expected to double every 20 years, to the number 65.7 million in 2030 and 115.4 million in 2050. In 2010, 58 per cent of all people with low or middle incomes were with dementia lived in countries. This proportion anticipated in increase to 63 per cent in 2030 and 71 per cent in 2050.The values are expected to double by 2030 and triple by 2050 to 115 million. The survey reveals in United States, an estimate of many as five million people age 65 and older suffer from Dementia.


Vascular Dementia is most widely considered to be the second common cause of Alzheimer's disease, accounting for 10 % of cases. Many experts believe vascular dementia remains less diagnosed for Alzheimer's disease, even the disease is common.Alzheimer's Research UK at present funds 150 research projects across UK and focusing on developing stages which has been committed nearly £40million to dementia research.Their research focus is on improvement of the quality of life already living with Alzheimer’s disease and also other forms of dementia.

Participation Options and Benefits

PARTICIPATION OPTIONS: Vascular Dementia 2023, provides the participants with different modes or ways to participate such as Delegate or Speaker under either ACADEMIC / STUDENT / BUSINESS Category. Mode of participation  can also be Online through Power Point Presentation/ Video Presentation .

• Keynote speaker: 45-50 minutes

• Speaker (oral presentation): 25-30 minutes (only one person can present)

• Speaker (workshop): 45-50 minutes (more than 1 can present)

• Speaker (special session): 45-50 minutes (more than 1 can present)

• Speaker (symposium): more than 45 minutes (more than 1 can present)

• Delegate(only registration): will have access to all the sessions with all the benefits of registration

• Poster presenter:  can present a poster and enjoy the benefits of delegate

• Remote attendance:  can participate via video presentation or e-poster presentation

• Exhibitor: can exhibit his/her company’s products by booking exhibitor booths of different sizes

• Media partner

• Sponsor

• Collaborator


For more details about each mode, kindly contact:


Benefits of Joining Conference :

• Get your abstract published with DOI

• Get Certified for your participation

•  Reduced Costs Affordability

•  Knock Down Geographical Barriers

• Convenience from comfort of your own home or from work

•  They’re Archived: Ability to view events in the recording

•  Great resource for learning new career skills

•  Learn from the Pros

•  Global exposure to your research

•  Make new connections

•  Significant time saving

• Increased engagement

• Wider Reach

•  More Engaging

• Position yourself as the expert

• Get your abstracts published with unique DOI in International Journals

• Get up to 50% discounts for publishing your entire article in our open access International Journals

• Get Handbooks and conference kits

• Get an access to the network with eminent personalities from worldwide

Past Conference report

Vascular Dementia 2022 Report

Conference Series hosted the event “14th International Conference on Vascular Dementia” during March 11-12, 2022 |  London, UK. The conferences were organized with a focus on the themes Recent Advancements in the field of Dementia Research was a great success where eminent keynote speakers from various reputed companies and Universities made their resplendent presence and addressed the gathering.

The event proceedings were carried out through several Scientific-sessions and plenary lectures, Conference Series would like to express a sincere thankfulness to all the Honourable guests and Keynote Speakers of  . We would like to convey a warm gratitude to all the Honourable guests and Keynote Speakers of Vascular Dementia 2022.

Conference Series also took the privilege of felicitating Vascular Dementia 2022 Organizing Committee, Keynote Speakers, Plenary Speakers, Chairs and Co-Chairs, Young Researchers and other attendees whose support made the conference a great success.

We also would like to thank all our Speakers, Poster Presenters and Delegates for taking out your time and sharing their research work with our peer network. We are very glad to have shared a great relationship with all these Attendees, associations and we hope to see even greater support in our upcoming events.

A series of lectures by distinguished professionals discussed the recent trends and issues in inter-disciplinary Neurology and its advancements.


Save your dates for the most awaited event of 2023

With a great response and feedback which we received from participants and supporters from Vascular Dementia 2022, we are proud to announce our upcoming conferences in the Series “15th International Conference on Vascular Dementia” on February 20-21, 2023 in Paris, France with the theme of Tackling Dementia with Technology

It is an International platform for business delegates, B2B meetings, poster presentations, workshops, symposia, networking and more. It will offer a platform wherein you can ensure enormous exposure and networking by exhibiting products and services. Grab the opportunities, and share your innovative ideas, new technologies and Recent researches.

Vascular Dementia 2022 witnesses an amalgamation of peerless speakers who enlightened the gathering with their contribution towards the prevention of neurology related difficulties, its effects and treatment on their disorders.

For being a Experts in Neurology and Vascular Dementia, we hope that this platform gives knowledge and new updates by undergoing with the several interactive sessions to encourage the exchange of innovative ideas in the field of Vascular Dementia and its advancements, in that all the session talks are consider to be a great talks which makes the delegates, exhibitor, collaborators and other speakers feels so much interesting.

Let’s have a look on Market study of Vascular Dementia:-

Mental problems will afflict one out of every four people on the planet at some point in their lives. Mental diseases (Vascular Dementia) affect around 450 million individuals globally, making them one of the most common causes of illness. Treatments are accessible, yet nearly two-thirds of persons with a diagnosable mental illness never seek professional assistance. According to the World Health Organization, stigma, prejudice, and neglect prohibit persons with mental illnesses from receiving care and treatment (WHO). There is little or no understanding where there is neglect. There is neglect when there is no comprehension. As a result, it is critical to brush up on this subject.

The brain illness showcase is exceedingly competitive with a parcel of players within the ring for picking up an imperative position among other players. The players are in steady interest of propelling novel items and medicines that bode well for curing a wide extend of brain infections. These headways and developments require steady investigate and development. Thus, the players within the brain illness showcase contribute intensely in investigate and improvement activities. Activities like mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, collaborations, and organizations offer assistance the players within the brain malady advertise to fortify their position over the brain malady showcase. Extension exercises are moreover an critical portion to empower the players to find undiscovered openings.

According to United Nations agency 47.5 million folks have dementedness and each year 7.7 million new cases square measure showing. By 2030 total cases of dementia is projected to be 75.6 million and virtually triple by 2050 to one hundred thirty-five million. Alzheimer’s sickness contributes 60-70 you look after cases in dementia and second commonest condition of dementedness is tube-shaped structure dementia that contributes 2 hundredth of cases everywhere the globe.

Hundreds of millions of people worldwide are affected by neurological disorders. More than 6 million people die because of stroke each year; over 80% of these deaths take place in low- and middle-income countries. More than 50 million people have epilepsy worldwide. It is estimated that there are globally 47.5 million people with dementia with 7.7 million new cases every year - Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia and may contribute to 60–70% of cases. The prevalence of migraine is more than 10% worldwide.

Vascular Dementia is most widely considered to be the second common cause of Alzheimer's disease, accounting for 10 % of cases. Many experts believe vascular dementia remains less diagnosed for Alzheimer's disease, even the disease is common. Alzheimer's Research UK at present funds 150 research projects across UK and focusing on developing stages which has been committed nearly £40million to dementia research. Their research focus is on improvement of the quality of life already living with Alzheimer’s disease and also other forms of dementia.

Paris is that the capital and most thickly settled town of France. Since seventeenth century, Paris is one of Europe’s major centers of finance, diplomacy, commerce, fashion, science and the arts. town of Paris is that the center and seat of presidency of the French region or Paris region, that has AN calculable official 2020  population of 12,213,364 or concerning eighteen percentage of the population of France. Paris is in northern central France, in a very north-bending arc of the stream Seine. Paris features a typical Western European oceanic climate. Economy of town of Paris is predicated mostly on services and commerce of the 390,480 enterprises within the town, 80.6 % square measure engaged in commerce, transportation, and various services, 6.5 % in construction and 3.9 % in business. The bulk of Paris salaried workers fill 370,000 businesses services jobs, targeted within the north-western eighth sixteenth, seventeenth arrondissements. Paris was the third-busiest airline destination within the world, with 19.03 million guests behind port and London. Paris is a global capital of fashion since the nineteenth century significantly within the domain of high fashion, covering hand-made to order for personal shoppers.

Market Overview

The key factors propelling the growth of the market are the increasing prevalence of neurological disorders like Vascular Dementia, Alzheimer huge, brain aneurysms, brain tumours, memory disorders, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, post-herpetic neuralgia, spinal cord tumour, peripheral neuropathy, epilepsy, and stroke investments by private players in this field, increase in R&D in the field of Neuro therapies, and rising through population.

Vascular Dementia studies are utilized as a part of the treatment of neurological disorders, for example, Alzheimer infection and different dementia, epilepsy, cerebrovascular diseases, including stroke, headache, and another migraine issue, Parkinson's sickness, multiple sclerosis, Neuro infection, mind tumors, horrible disarranges of the sensory system because of head injury and neurological issue because of ailing health.

Neuro infections involve fungal, parasitic, bacterial infections, brain abscess and prion diseases.

Neurological scatters may likewise happen because of different contaminations, for example, viral disease like Zika virus, bacterial disease, and parasitic contamination.

As per the World Health Organization, in 2016, around 450 a great many individuals were influenced by neurological scatters over the world. Around 50 million individuals were accounted for to experience the ill effects of epilepsy over the globe and more than 6 million individuals kick the bucket because of a stroke every year. Brain health devices, for example, CT filter, MRI, EEG, MEG, Transcranial Doppler gadgets are generally used to screen mind movement.

The report includes:

Analyses of the global market trends, with data from 2019, estimates for 2020, and projections of compound annual growth rates through 2024, Historical background on neurological disorders and therapeutics, growing prevalence of neurological disorders, increasing research and development activities regarding neurology research in Vascular dementia, and analysis of the factors influencing the market. Quantitative analysis of the neurology therapeutics market covering Parkinson Diseases, Alzheimer Diseases, Psychotic Disorders, Epileptic Disorders, Autism Disorders, and Brain Tumor Diseases

According to the World Health Organization, around 300 million individuals worldwide suffer from depression, anxiety, and stress. The rapid prevalence of depression and anxiety disorders is the first driver of the global anxiety disorders and depression therapy industry.

The rising elderly population, increasing affectivity, and decreasing facet effects of medicine in several categories are further pushing the global anxiety disorders and depression treatment market. Depression affects 10 to 15 percent of males and 15 to 25 percent of women.

At the time of identification, 35 percent of people had depression, anxiety, or both (including borderline cases), and 29 percent had it three months later, dropping to Revolutionary Organization. The annual prevalence rates were 45 percent, 22 percent, 20 percent, 19 percent, and 12 percent, respectively, during the main to 50 years after identification.

Reasons for Doing this Study

Study of vascular dementia and other neurological disorder includes of various therapeutics used for the treatment of different neurological disorders. The bio-pharmaceutical companies are investing in the development of innovative therapeutics for the treatment of Neuro disorders. Government organizations square measure funding analysis and development activities associated with neurology analysis. These factors are impacting the neurology market positively coupled with the growing prevalence of neurological disorders. New approaches for the treatment of neurology related indications were pursued by pharmaceutical companies. The global neurology market is growing to increase within the population, growing awareness relating to mental and neurologic sickness, increasing insurance reforms and constant analysis and development in neurology by pharmaceutical companies.

Major Dementia Societies and Associations around Globe:

Alzheimer's Australia

Hilarescere Foundation in Italy

Foundation Alzheimer Aruba (FAA)

Alzheimer's disease Chinese

Spanish Society of Neurology

Alzheimer's Society

Major Neurological Associations in Italy

British brain tumor association


Top Neuroscience Universities in Globe:

Dalhousie University

University of Nottingham

Temple University USA

University of Toronto

University Oklahoma

University Sheffield

University of Bristol

University California

University of Milan

University of Gothenburg

Top Dementia Companies:


Polyneuron Pharmaceuticals AG Corp.

KB Medical

Intento SA


AcelRx Pharmaceuticals, Inc.





Biogen Idec



Being a significant expert in this area we would like to Invite you as an International Organizing Committee Members, Speakers, Keynote speakers, Young Research forum, Sponsors and Exhibitor, etc for Vascular Dementia 2023. Our goal is to deliver an outstanding program which covers the entire spectrum of research & innovations in Recent Advancement in Treating Dementia, Neurological Disorders, Anxiety & Depression, Neurology and Neurosurgery and share the cross-cultural experiences of various principles and practices.


The centre of the activity of Vascular Dementia 2023 is to produce the clear visual definition by undergoing with Oral Presentation, Poster presentation, Workshop, Exhibition, networking and interacting session.

Conference gives proper gratitude to Organizing Committee Members  nimble of field  various external professionals  business enterprise councils and is obliged to different renowned personalities who interlocked with us and bolstered the symposium in each facet  without which the convention might now not were possible. And bolstered the symposium in each facet without which the convention might now not were possible. Your reaction is our inspiration; preserving this motto in thoughts and being discovered the triumph of Vascular Dementia 2023.

The supporting journals include:

  • Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology
  • Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience
  • Neurological Disorders

With the feedback from your renowned Speakers, we have added some of the new Session tracks that needs to be focused with Many sessions above.

Neurology related companies to have your gracious presence at 15th International Conference on Vascular Dementia on February 20-21, 2023 |  Paris, France to make this congress a great successful event of the year 2023.

Contact us:

Agatha Clemens

Program Manager

Vascular Dementia 2023


Mail us:

 Tel: +44- 7915638336

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date February 20-21, 2023

Speaker Opportunity

Supported By

Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience Neurological Disorders

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by